Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Winner! Win a Teen Beta Reader Contest

The teens have spoken, and the winner is....

Valora by Mia Kim

"It's very suspenseful; it makes me wanna keep reading...it's really interesting. Also, it talks about how they went into World War III."

Tied for runner up are:

Kids of the Kingdom by Mike Saunders

"It's interesting and suspenseful. Keeps the reader on edge."


Journey to Magic by A.K. Madison

"It is a wonderful, interesting, and creative book that keeps readers want to keep reading."

Thank you to all who entered the contest; it was a great opportunity for these reluctant readers to have a voice in the creation of what will be written for them. The kids are also writing more detailed notes on the manuscripts, but it will probably take a while for them to complete. When done, however, we will mail the notes to any of the writers who email me their addresses.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to the winners! Hope the feedback is helpful.
